Thursday, 28 June 2012

Cool Dudes Radio Episode 27

Hey Cool Dudes fans!

HERE is episode 27 and here is all the info;

1. 'Unemployment, Here I Come' - The Murderburgers - How To Ruin Your Life (Monster Zero 2012)
2. 'Mobbed By The 3's' - Toys That Kill - Fambly 42 (Recess 2012)
3. 'The Trapeze Artist Part 1' - The Treasure Fleet - Cocamotion (Recess 2012)
4. 'The World Has Gone Mad' - Dead To Me - Moscow Penny Ante (Fat 2011)
5. 'Wish Your Were Her(e)' - Hawk And Doves - Year One (No Idea 2009)
6. 'Things' - The Bats - At The Natonal Grid (Pocket Music 2005)
7. 'The Lady Who Is Also A Mongoose' - The Dead Milkmen - Previously Unreleased
8. 'Shaking' - D'arcy - Shoot My Love (2012)
9. 'Congratulations... Sorry' - Sun Puddles - Demo (2012)
10. 'Dajango' - Thrones - Sperm Whale (Kill Rock Stars 2000)


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