Sunday, 7 October 2012

Cool Dudes Radio 29

What is up Cool Dudes fans?!?

HERE is Episode number 29 for your listening pleasure and here is all the song info;

1. 'Don't Wait' - Drag - (Previously Unreleased 2012)
2. 'Useless Eyes' - Street Eaters - We See Monsters (Bakery Outlet 2012)
3. 'My Heart And The Real World' - Minutemen - Double Nickels On The Dime (SST 1984)
4. 'Little Bitch' (The Specials) - All Teeth - Summer Sessions (Previously Unreleased 2011)
5. 'That's What You Get' - Murder City Devils - Thelema (Sub Pop 2001)
6. 'False jesii, Prt II' - Pissed Jeans - King Of The Jeans (Sub Pop 2011)
7. 'What's The Matter Now' - Oblivian - Play 9 Songs Mr. Quintron (Crypt 1997)
8. 'Black Network News' - Zero Boys - History Of (Secretly Canadian 2009)
9. 'Are You Mad' - White Wires - WWII (Dirtnap 2010)
10. 'The Woman Who Is Also A Mongoose' - Dead Milkmen (Previously Unreleased 2011)

Here is the winner of our send n00dz competition.

Send us some more cool stuff!?!

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