Sunday, 31 March 2013

Cool Dudes Radio Episode 32

Hey Cool Dudes fans,

We have made it all the way to number 32, come and join us on a musical Journey.

Here is the track list and song info;

1. 'Electric' - The Men - New Moon (Sacred Bones 2013)
2. ' Your Limits, My Limits' - The Shitty Limits - Beware The Limits (La Vida Es Un Mus 2009)
3. 'Fucking Yes Mate' - Pudge - Chippy Tea (Not Shy Of The DIY 2010)
4. 'Slave To You' - Low Culture - Evil 7" (Drunken Sailor 2013)
5. 'Trapped In My Head' - Tight Bros - Split 7" w/ Rad Company (Drunken Sailor Coming Soon)
6. 'Sucker' - California X - California X (Don Giovanni 2013)
7. 'Hey Sylvia' - Dan Padilla - Sports Fans (Dirt Cult 2012)
8. 'Conversation' - Slow Warm Death - Slow Warm Death (Self Released 2013)
9. 'Steve Adamyk Band' - Not A Witness - Steve Adamyk Band (Dirtnap 2013)
10. 'Bed Bugs' - Pale Angels - Primal Play (Kiss Of Death/Specialist Subject Coming Soon)

You can stream this episode HERE or download it into your itunes by clicking the button on the right.

Thanks for listening!

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