Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Cool Dudes Radio - Episode 35

Hello there Cool Dudes fans,
How do you do?

Here's everything you need to know about episode 35;

1. 'Loud, Dumb & Mean' - The Night Marchers - Allez Allez (Swami 2013)
2. 'Coffin' - Eagulls - Eagulls EP (Sexbeat 2012)
3. 'Subvert' - Zounds - Can't Cheat Karma 7" (Crass 1980)
4. 'Black Salt' - Western Addiction - Pines (Fat 2013)
5. 'Superficial' - Red Dons - Fake Meets Failure (Taken By Surprise 2010)
6. 'Happy Ending' - Culture Abuse - ST Demo (2013)
7. 'RNRFON' - Tense Men - Forthcoming LP (Faux Discx 2014)
8. 'Touching God' - The Love Triangle - ST LP (Sorry State 2013)
9. 'The Local News' - Bangers - Crazy Fucking Dreams (Beach Community 2013)
10. 'Make A Mess' - Vacation - Candy Waves (Lets Pretend 2013)

You can listen to this episode HERE.

Jamie & Pugs

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