Monday, 2 January 2012

Cool Dudes Radio Episode 22

Hey there cool dudes fans,

We thought it would be cool to make episode 22 a best of 2011 special so that's what we did. We got Jenks back in as a guest of honour and made a list of what we think are the 10 best albums of last year and played a song off each of them.

Here's our list;

10. 'A New Raymondo' from 'Small Pleasures' (Kiss Of Death/Specialist Subject) by Bangers
9. 'Slippin' And Slidin' from 'Mind Spiders' (Dirt nap) by Mind Spiders
8. 'Is It Done' from 'Several Shades Of Why' (Sub Pop) by Jay Mascis
7. 'Painted Parade' from 'Murder The Mountains' (Relapse) by Red Fang
6. 'Now I'm Pissed' from 'First Four EPs' (Vice) by Off!
5. 'Trouble Blues' from 'Born Ugly Got Worse' (Kiss Of Death) by The Slow Death
4. 'Or Maybe It Is' from 'The King Is Yellow' (Dead Milkmen) by The Dead Milkmen
3. 'Stop Crying Kid' from 'Know Your Sins' (Recess) by The Underground Railroad To Candyland
2. 'Pretty Sure' from 'Hard Life' (Don Giovanni) by Big Eyes
1. 'I Might Kill' from 'We Are All Beasts' (Kiss Of Death) by Static Radio NJ

So there it is, arguably the most bad ass best of list you'll find anywhere!

You can listen to this episode by clicking HERE or you can download it in itunes by clicking that button on the right. Thanks for listening. We're taking requests for next week's show, so get in touch;

twitter: @pugssss @gotvitaminc
phone: 02032862420

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