Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Cool Dudes Radio Episode 23

Hey There,

Thanks for stopping by butt muchers, I guess you're after Cool Dudes 23? Well, lucky for you, you've come to the right place. Here is the track list and song info for this week's episode;

1. 'Too Drunk Too Fuck' - Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (Alternative Tenticles 1987)
2. 'Salvation' - Nomos - Demo Tape (2008)
3. 'Gentleman' - Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Rush To Relax (Goner 2010)
4. 'The Noids' - Bandname - Breakfast (Towering Sound 2010)
5. 'Labour Day' - Paint It Black - Paradise (Jade Tree 2005)
6. 'I Know What You Want' - Summer Vacation - Condition (Recess 2011)
7.  'Strange Powers' - The Magnetic Fields - Holiday (Merge 1994)
8. This City Kneels Before Me - Former Cell Mates - Presented As A Work Of Fiction (Boss Tunage 2011)
9. 'Down On Lovin' - The Soft Pack - The Soft Pack (Kemado 2010)
10. 'The Night Full Of Kicks' - Floor - Floor (No Idea 2002)

You can stream this episode right HERE or you can download it in Itunes by clicking the button at the top right of this page =====>

Thanks for stopping by, see you in hell next week.
Jamie and Pugs

Oh yeah, drop us a line is it? cooldudesradio@gmail.com
or tweet @pugssss or @gotvitaminc

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