Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Cool Dudes Radio Episode 24


Here is the track list and song info for episode 24;

1. 'Stuart' -  The Dead Milkmen - Beezelbubba (Enigma 1988)
2. 'Bikini Diet - Brutal Knights - Feast Of Shame (Deranged 2007)
3. 'All Cops Are Pigs - Loose Dudes - Nothing To Live For (Hated 2010)
4. 'Devil Head' - Lungfish - Taking Songs For Walking (Dischord 1991)
5. 'Fuck This Shit' - Doomriders - Black Thunder (Magic Bullet 2009)
6. 'Vesciche In Guerra' - Smart Cops - Per Proteggere E Servire (La Tempesta Dischi 2010)
7. 'Cheap Bad Coffee' - Lili Champ - Vientos (2011)
8. 'For Instance...' - Scared Of Chaka - Scared Of Chaka (702 1996)
9. 'Get Off My Back' - The Traditional Fools - The Traditional Fools (Wizard Mountain 2008)
10. 'Dedicated To You' - The Groundnuts & Independents - Split w/The Arteries (2007)

You can Stream this big bad boy RIGHT HERE or you can download it in itunes by clicking the button at the top of the page. Enjoy.

Jamie and Pugs

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